Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mommy Bars say what?!

As I shopped around Babies "R" Us the other day I came across the snack aisle and to my surprise what did I see nothing other than "Mommy Bars." I had heard of them but just had never tried them. I always thought they would be these grain and oat bars with no flavor but no, they had CHOCOLATE in them!! I am crazy about CHOCOLATE, for those of you that don't know. So how could I not try them and let's not forget the fact that they are good for you and have protein and DHA which is need for the baby!! So I ended up getting one...

and OMG, do I wish I would have grabbed the box!! They are truly tasty (so I think) and sure does cure the craving for chocolate!! So needless to say, now I will have to make a 30 minute drive or so to the nearest Babies "R" Us just to go get some more Mommy Bars. I think they shall be my favorite snack, I figure these are much healthier than the junk  I eat, right?! (which the belly is really starting to show it)



  1. dude, i cant wear pants like that, no way! you look fine Lucy! i am the fatty!

  2. thanks Isa, but check out my arms...they are HUGE!! haha...so have you tried the mommy bars? if not you should
